Why a Domestic Violence Victim Needs an Attorney
You may think that as the victim, you do not need an attorney; however, there are many reasons you may want to hire one. Your attorney will look out for your best interests and guide you through the process whether or not you choose to press charges. When you try to go it alone, you may feel pressured to do something you do not want to do by the other parties involved. Here are some reasons that the domestic violence victim should consider an attorney.
Assistance with a Restraining Order
Often those who are abused eventually need a restraining order. Those who abuse do not always have an understanding that what they have done is wrong. Even if they do, they may want the opportunity to make it up to you. You may no longer live together, but they may show up at your work or other places you frequent. A restraining order drawn up with the assistance of an attorney specializing in domestic violence will protect you better than a standard restraining order drawn up by the courts.
Can Help You Avoid Testifying
In some cases, you cannot stop the state from charging your abuser; however, your attorney can help you avoid testifying. If testifying will be too traumatizing for you or your children, only an attorney can assist you to make sure you are able to stay out of the courtroom.
Arrange Custody
If your abuser is the parent of your child or children, whether you live together or not, you want to gain full custody based on current litigation or the abuser’s history. Your children deserve to be protected. You should not have to worry about your kids when they are not with you. Your attorney can also include your children in your protection order.
Work to Drop Charges
On occasion, an accuser may feel that the charges should be dropped. Perhaps in the heat of the moment they exaggerated the extent of the abuse or another situation makes dropping charges the logical path to take. Whatever the reason, if you want the charges dropped, your attorney can help you.
Protect You During Interrogations
Not all interrogators know how to talk to a victim of abuse. Some may be biased against you because of your gender; another may have already questioned the abuser and decided they did nothing wrong. You do not deserve to be further victimized. When you have an attorney present, they can stop a line of questioning or help you know what to answer.
If you are a victim of abuse and want an attorney with you through the process, call Wagstaff Law Office. We have significant experience helping domestic violence victims through separation, divorce, custody, obtaining a restraining order, and simply representing clients with the police. Call us today at (727) 584-8182.