Family Dynamics: Managing the Holidays

December 21, 2017

The holidays seem to be branded as the “most wonderful time of the year,” but if you are divorced or unmarried with children, it can be the “most stressful time of the year.” Depending on your parenting plan or the terms of your divorce, sharing time with children during the biggest holidays of the year…

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Mary Lou Miller Wagstaff, Esq. Named VP of the FLAFCC

December 7, 2017

Wagstaff Law Office, a family law attorney firm in Largo, announced the appointment of Mary Lou Miller Wagstaff, Esq. as Vice President of the Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (FLAFCC). FLAFCC is an organization of judicial, legal, mental health, financial and related professionals utilizing education, research and advocacy to improve…

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Maria G. Pitelis Joins Wagstaff Law Office

November 7, 2017

PRESS RELEASE Wagstaff Law Office, a family law attorney firm in Largo, announced the addition of Maria G. Pitelis, Esq. to their practice. Pitelis joins Wagstaff from private practice as well as having been with the State Attorney’s Office in the Sixth Circuit. “We are thrilled to welcome Maria to our firm. Her experience in…

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month – Part 2

October 25, 2017
domestic violence awareness lawyer

Throughout October we’ve been recognizing Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence can take many different forms. What may start out like small, harmless character traits can soon become a matter of life or death. In some cases, victims may be afraid to come forward or try to excuse the abuser’s behavior in order to avoid…

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October 12, 2017
domestic violence awareness month

There are many myths and misunderstandings regarding domestic violence. First, it is not solely a marital issue. Domestic violence encompasses a wide array of relationships and is not exclusive to a legally married couple and it also includes abuse toward children. Additionally, there are legal options available to victims of domestic violence and an array…

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9 Tips for Holding a Successful Estate Sale

September 21, 2017
successful estate sale

After the loss of a loved one, such as a parent, determining what to do with their estate during the grieving process can become overwhelming. But don’t let the name fool you. In many cases, estate sales are also held for when a loved one is downsizing or moving into a retirement home or assisted…

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Estate and Probate Planning

September 14, 2017

Anyone who has suffered the loss of a parent, spouse or close relative is likely to realize the benefits of working with a trusted legal representative to facilitate the process of estate planning and the execution of a will. When a family is grieving, the last thing they want to do is hash out the…

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Family Dynamics: Back to School Jitters

August 17, 2017

Back to school can be an exciting time or an emotional rollercoaster depending on how you look at it as a parent. For kids, however, it can be full of anxiety if they’ve experienced a major life change such as parent separation, divorce, relocation or loss of a loved one over the summer. How they…

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Family Dynamics: Estate Planning 101

August 4, 2017

School is almost back in session and for many parents, it’s time to celebrate! If your summer was packed with family trips or summer camp, back to school can mean back to reality for many of us. Similar to the concept of Spring cleaning, this is a great time of year to take a look…

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Family Law: Becoming a Parent Once Again

July 25, 2017

It’s your golden years. Empty nest syndrome has transitioned into completing your bucket list and reinvesting in yourself and your partner. Then, in the blink of an eye, everything changes. In many cases, children are left without one or both of their parents. It could be for a number of difficult reasons: Death or incapacitation…

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