Is My Time-Sharing Agreement Flexible?
As summer is now more than half over, we have heard from many families about their time-sharing agreement. Sometimes one parent is not following the schedule, other times kids activities, friends and interests make time-sharing in summer a bit more difficult. If you are wondering what can be done for the rest of the summer or preventatively for next summer, here are some things to consider.
Summers Are Busy
And now, seem shorter than ever. When one parent loses time to camp, sports or sleepovers with friends, it seems unfair. However, the goal of your time-sharing agreement is for your children to have the best possible life, even with divorced parents. Putting their needs and wants first, to a point, especially in summer, is a sacrifice you may want to make. Missing a few nights over the entire summer for them to enjoy time with friends creates memories. Denying permission to spend the night simply because you do not want to lose time with them is not a good reason to say no. It is never a good idea to make your child feel guilty about their summer plans.
The Other Parent May Have Limited Vacation Options
Depending on the work and vacation schedule of your kids’ co-parent, they may not be able to choose a vacation week. In cases like these, swapping weeks is in everyone’s best interest. You and the co-parent put the kids first making sure they get quality time with both parents.
Plan Ahead & Communicate
Planning ahead and communicating with the co-parent helps reduce animosity. It also allows you to communicate with your kids what is going on that week, month or even the whole summer so they can make appropriate plans or have realistic expectations. When you plan your summer together, you are more likely to feel that you both got equal or a fair amount of time with your children. Remember, never use your children to relay messages about changes to the schedule.
What Should I Do if My Children’s Parent Takes Advantage?
A time-sharing agreement is a legally binding contract. With that being said, you do not need to contact your attorney if you both agree to switching weeks or modifying a schedule But, if you find that the co-parent is not giving you fair time or their requests for “just another night or two” are out of hand, you may want to reach out to an attorney experienced in time-sharing and custody modification.
Wagstaff & Pitelis Offers All Family Law Services
Whether your separation is new and you need a divorce attorney, want legal modification of your time-sharing agreement, or just need someone to back you up against a co-parent who is out of line with requests for time-sharing modifications, call us. One of our team members can help you with any of your family law related need in Pinellas County. Reach us today at (727) 584-8182 or fill out our contact form for a prompt call back.